Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Lake is three

In honor of Lake's upcoming birthday, on May 6th, I thought that I would repost our birth story and give a brief update on what's going on with him...

My pregnancy was practically uneventful. I tend to have easy pregnancies and this was no exception. Around 10:30 p.m. on May 5th, I felt that my water bags had torn and I knew labor was coming. I felt my first contraction, strong and attention getting, at midnight....and then another, and another. Knowing how short my labors tend to be, Lake's daddy and I gathered what we need to gather, called my step-father to come watch the children, and left for the hospital. I was barely at the hospital for 30 minutes before he was born....he beat the doctor and was caught by the nurse. Lake quietly slipped into our lives on May 6th, 2007 at 2:31 a.m. The only one of my babies to be born in the middle of the night. His labor was the shortest of all, two and a half hours from beginning to end. Though short labors tend to be more intense than long ones, this labor was not the most intense of my labors (that title goes to Lanagan's birth). It was sweet, quiet, and intimate...well, as intimate as it can be in a hospital setting. At the time of the birth, I remember thinking how lucky I was to be able to experience another natural birth. Natural birth is one of my true loves (as many of you know). It is the most wonderfully rewarding experience a mother can have. During my labor, I remember being proud of myself for the gift I was able to give Lake: a birth uninhindered by drugs, a strong, solid connection between mother and child, and a long nursing relationship.

Lake is three this year. Our family has grown immensely since his birth. I have had another child. We've joined to Cotton family and have moved to Robeline, LA, which has been a drastic, but wonderful change. I love watching Lake in this environment. He is able to get out and stretch his legs without me hovering in fear of someone snatching him up or running him over with their car. He is so very close to his sister, Mikal, he worships Lanagan, and he sweetly smiles and kisses Cian every day. He continues to be the sweetest of my children though he has a stubborn and mischievous side to him. His eyes are so very expressive and have recently started to change from blue to a piney, olivey green color. Lake has a special connection with brings me peace. He is truly an entertaining child, he makes me smile daily.

Happy Birthday, Lake....I love you so